Styx - Boat On The River > 사랑


[Oldies] Styx - Boat On The River
작성자 관리자쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일 25-02-12 22:44 조회 377회 댓글 0건
Take me back to
my boat on the river
I need to go down
I need to come down
Take me back to my boat
on the river
And I won't cry out any more
Time stands still
as I gaze In her waters
She eases me down
touching me gently
With the waters that
flow past my boat on the river
So I won't cry out anymore

Oh the river is wide
The river it touches my life
like the waves on the sand
And all roads lead to
Tranquillity Base
Where the frown on
my face disappears
Take me down to
my boat on the river
And I won't cry out anymore

Oh the river is deep
The river it touches my life
like the waves on the sand
And all roads lead to
Tranquillity Base
Where the frown
on my face disappears
Oh take me down to
my boat on the river
I need to go down
with you let me go down
Take me back to my
boat on the river
And I won't cry out anymore
And I won't cry out anymore
And I won't cry out anymore
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