Ana Criado with Adrian&Raz - Dancing Sea (Original Mix) > 사랑


[Mr] Ana Criado with Adrian&Raz - Dancing Sea (Original Mix)
작성자 관리자쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일 25-02-12 23:59 조회 168회 댓글 0건
While my fingers touch the sand
The silver sun is born (like never before)
Blue night makes way for red light beams across the sky
Lighthouse calls me

Dancing sea
Are you ever weak?
I let our blue eyes meet
Like water colours

My golden dreams
I follow on the sea
Wind make us breathe
Breathe like lovers

Morning dew drops, growing light
Say goodbye to the sleepy night
Changing winds will blow away the clouds of yesterday
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