Maximilian Hecker - Summer Days in Bloom > 사랑


[Oldies] Maximilian Hecker - Summer Days in Bloom
작성자 관리자쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일 24-10-18 01:28 조회 1,358회 댓글 0건
Paralyzed by ancient delight
And riding for a fall today
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind
But furthermore distracted by you
And it's like i lose myself
In dreaming of summer days in bloom
Oh, i've got no clue how i could fight that
All that i am is worth a dime
Worth a dime

This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-
Drunk quality to doze while i run
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind
It's thirty thousand miles more to go
Cause it's like i lose myself
In dreaming of summer days in bloom
For i've got no clue whatever happened
All that i am is worth a dime
Worth a dime
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